Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Noms de guerre

I have come to so many surprisingly mature realizations lately worth sharing.

However, I can sadly report that all of these are deeply intimate, and better shared under a noms de guerre, which I am in the process of developing.  Social criticism may best be experienced without being able to consider my personal bias.  What is in a name?


I have done so well with this name- ALLISON EVE- that to pollute it with exceedingly political ideas might devalue it somewhat.  Or maybe it would make it stronger, but unwillingly so.  I could be better expressed by the stroke of a paintbrush or a hand on my hip.

So, to whomever wherever who decides my blog is worth reading, just know- if you don't know me well enough to know exactly to what I'm referring, look out for an incredibly private memoir to make its way to the incredibly public internet arena.  You won't know it's me by name, yet if you're a devout sharer of my blog experiences, you may recognize my writing style.

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